Journal article with DOI or URN
In the bibliography
Author’s surname, Initial(s) of first name(s). (Year of publication). Title: Subtitle. Name of publication, number of volume(issue number), page numbers. DOI/URN
- The DOI identifier is given in the form . The URN is given in the . If you cannot find the DOI, you can try to retrieve it using the Crossref service.
- The abstract of an article can only be used as a source only in case the article is not available as a full text. The bibliographic reference is then identical to a reference to a full text article. Consequently, the word abstract is not included in the bibliographic entry.
Eitel, A., & Scheiter, K. (2015). Picture or text first? Explaining sequence effects when learning with pictures and text. Educational Psychology Review, 27(1), 153–180.
Kivimäki, H., Saaristo, V., Wiss, K., Frantsi, L. M., Ståhl, T., & Rimpelä, A. (2019). Access to a school health nurse and adolescent health needs in the universal school health service in Finland. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 33(1), 165–175.
Krutova, O., Ervasti, J., Virtanen, M., Peutere, L., Härmä, M., & Ropponen, A. (2023). Work unit level personnel working hours and the patients' length of in-hospital stay-An administrative data approach. PLOS digital health, 2(5), Article e0000265.
Vitamin K for newborns. (2016). Journal of Midwifery & Women's Health, 61(5), 675–676.
Zicari, R. V., Ahmed, S., Amann, J., Braun, S. A., Brodersen, J., Bruneault, F., Brusseau, J., Campano, E., Coffee, M., Dengel, A., Düdder, B., Gallucci, A., Gilbert, T. K., Gottfrois, P., Goffi, E., Haase, C. B.,Hagendorff, T., Hickman, E., Hildt, E., . . . Wurth, R. (2021). Co-design of a trustworthy AI system in healthcare: Deep learning based skin lesion classifier. Frontiers in Human Dynamics, 3, article 688152.
- For a work with up to 20 authors, include all of the names in the reference. When the work has 21 or more authors, include only the first 19 names, an ellipsis, and the final name
In text-reference
Puustinen and Nurminen (2015, p. 78) excamined
Eitel and Scheiter (2015, p. 163) found
Kivimäki et al. (2019, pp. 170–171) provided
Krutova et al. (2023, Article e0000265) found
According to de Boer et al. (2014) ....
(Vitamin K for newborns, 2016, p. 676)
Zicari et al. (2021) found
According to Sutinen and Närvänen (in press)
Journal, magazine or newspaper article without DOI or URN, through a database requiring login
In the bibliography
Author’s surname, Initial(s) of first name(s). (Year of publication). Title: Subtitle. Name of publication, number of volume(issue number), page numbers.
- Even if the article is available online by login in with SEAMK’s credentials through the databases of the library or other services, The link, or the name of the database or e-magazine collection (such as ABI/Inform Collection, Ebsco, eMagz, etc.) is not given in the bibliographic reference.
- The abstract of an article can only be used as a source only in case the article is not available as a full text. The bibliographic reference is then identical to a reference to a full text article. Consequently, the word abstract is not included in the bibliographic entry.
Madeeha, I., Shakil, A. M., & Farooq, M. O. (2020). Understanding consumers' trust in social media marketing environment. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 48(11), 1195–1212.
The people's voice. (2021). The Economist, 439(9240), 31–32.
in text-citation
Maheeda et al. (2020, pp. 1206–1207) found...
(People's voice, 2021, p. 31)
Journal, magazine or newspaper article in open access
In the bibliography
Author’s surname, Initial(s) of first name(s). (Date). Title: Subtitle. Name of publication, number of volume(issue number), page numbers. DOI/URN/URL
- The DOI identifier is given in the form . The URN is given in the . If you cannot find the DOI, you can try to retrieve it using the Crossref service. If the source has no permanent address, the URL address (or the normal web address) is used.
- APA 7 instructs to abbreviate long web addresses. This practice has not been adopted by SEAMK.
- The abstract of an article can only be used as a source only in case the article is not available as a full text. The bibliographic reference is then identical to a reference to a full text article. Consequently, the word abstract is not included in the bibliographic entry.
Åkerberg, J., Furunäs Åkesson, J., Gade, J., Vahabi, M., Björkman, M., Lavassani, M., Nandkumar Gore, R., Lindh, T., & Jiang, X. (2021). Future industrial networks in process automation: Goals, challenges, and future directions. Applied Sciences, 11(8), 3345.
In text-citation
(Scholssberg, 2021)
Åkerberg et al. (2021, p. 3345) found
Conference presentations, papers and posters
In the bibliography
Author’s surname, Initial(s) of first name(s). (Date of the congress). Title: Subtitle. Name of congress. DOI/URN
Luusua, A., & Ylipulli, J. (20.–25.6.2021). Nordic cities meet artificial intelligence: City officials’ views on artificial intelligence and citizen data in Finland. C&T '21: Proceedings of the 10th international conference on communities & Technologies - wicked problems in the age of Tech, 51–60.
Coombs, C. E. O., Holman, W. B., van de Ven, R. J., Friend, M. A., & Hopkins, D. L. (2016, August 14 – 19). Effect of chilled storage (up to 8 weeks) on lamb meat quality traits. 62nd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology.
In text-citation
Luusua and Ylipulli (2021, p. 54)
Coombs et al. (2016)
Printed journal, magazine or newspaper
In the bibliography
Author’s surname, Initial(s) of first name(s). (Year of publication). Article title: Subtitle. Name of publication, number of volume(issue number), page numbers.
Hammarlund, R., Whatley, K. L., Zielinski, M. H., & Jubert, J. C. (2021). Benefits fo affordable robotic pet ownership in older adults with dementia. Journal of Gerontologial Nursing, 47(3), 18–22.
In text-citation
Hammarlund et al. (2021, p. 20) examined