Webpage with an individual author or a group author
In the bibliography
Author’s surname, Initial(s) of first name(s) or Name of the group. (Date). Title: Subtitle. Publisher. URL
Name of the group. (Date). Title: Subtitle. Publisher. URL
Center for Systems Science and Engineering. (2020, May 6). COVID-19 dashboard by the Center for
Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU). Johns Hopkins
University; Medicine, Coronavirus Resource Center. Retrieved May 6, 2020, from https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html
- The website is frequently updated, the Retrieved date is included
In text-citations
Avramova (2019)
(International Council of Nurses, n.d.-a)
(International Council of Nurses, n.d.-b)
(Center for Systems Science and Engineering, 2020)