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Instructions for Written Work

Bibliography and appendices


An alphabetised bibliography is made of all the sources used for writing the academic text. The style used in the bibliography is Bibliog. More specific information on making a bibliography is available in the section Making a bibliography.


Appendices supplement the body text. Each appendix must be referenced in the text. Appendices are placed after the bibliography. Appendices may contain material that clarifies the text or offer necessary supplementary information but which cannot be included within the body text.  Appendices often include information-gathering forms or questionnaires together with their accompanying letters, as well as documents,  pictures or graphs related to the academic text.

The sources used in picture collages that the pictorial material has been collected from are listed separately after the actual bibliography, under Sources of Picture Collages.

The actual appendix pages are preceded by the APPENDICES title page. This is the last consecutively numbered page in the academic text. This page lists the appendices in numeric order with their titles, headings should be bolded  :

Appendix 1. Title of appendix
Appendix 2. Title of appendix

Appendices are numbered consecutively in the order in which they are referred to in the text. They must have titles, e.g. Appendix 1: Heading of Appendix. The heading of the appendix (“Appendix”) is placed at the top left-hand corner of the page. If an appendix consists of more than one page, the pages are numbered internally within the appendix as 1 (3), 2 (3), etc., the total page number appearing in brackets. See the templates for a more specific instruction on numbering.

The template includes instructions on the addition of appendices. 

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