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Instructions for Written Work
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Instructions for Written Work
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Thesis at SeAMK
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Support for the thesis writing
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Layout and appearance, templates for written works
Title page
Table of contents
Text settings and formats
Figures, pictures, tables and formulae
Use of punctuation
Bibliography and appendices
Use of sources and citations
Critism and evaluation
Notable deviations from the basic rules of APA 7
Author-oriented citing
Subject-oriented citing
Citation covering one sentence only
Citation covering two or more sentences
Publication with several authors
Citing several publications by the same author
Citing publications by several authors
Information not received from a primary source
Publications with no author data
Publications with no publication date
Personal communications and organizations' internal data sources
Online sources and other type of sources
Pictures and pictorial collages
Page numbers
Direct quotations
Making a bibliography (general instructions, bibliography example)
Article in an edited volume
Articles (journals, magazines, newspapers, conferences)
Audiovisual media (photography, podcast, PowerPoint slides, webinar, video, map)
Books (printed book, e-book, audiobook, multivolume book)
Dictionaries and encyclopedias
Expert interviews, personal communications and organizations’ internal data sources
Lectures and online courses
Legal references
Mobile appilications, computer softwares
Reports and serials
Social media (blog post, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)
Standards, patents, RT-cards and technical instructions
Statistics and research data
Web pages
Sources published in another language
Articicial intelligence (AI) applications
Interview transcript
Bibliography and other literature
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