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Instructions for Written Work

Direct quotations


All direct quotations from sources and data are written with the Quotation style (indent and line space 1):  

A cooperative partnership may advance strategic value creation, but various practical issues arise when diverse organizational contexts, values, interests and relationships are brought together. The challenges are related to the dynamics of cooperative partnership in its negotiation and commitment phases, such as how the diverse needs are identified, communicated and new value chains connected both intra and inter-organizationally. (Kork et al., 2021, p. 254)


It’s really important to give feedback, no matter if it’s good or bad, but you just have to remember to give it. Otherwise you can never know how it works, you may think you’ve done well though this is not true. Hopefully you can accept the feedback and change your action accordingly. (H3)

If some other text is quoted directly, word by word, it is put in quotation marks, e.g.  

According to Schwartz et al. (2021, p. 29) "scientific writing has its own voice and tone".


Caesar said "alea iacta est".


The omission of words from a quoted section is indicated by three periods separated by a space.  

It's important to give feedback, good or bad . . . hopefully you can take the feedback and change your behaviour. (H3) 

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