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Article in an edited volume

Article in an edited volume with a DOI or URN or URL address or accessed through database

In the bibliography

Author’s surname, Initial(s) of first name. (Year of publication). Title of article: Subtitle. In Editor’s Initial(s) of first name(s) surname (Ed(s).), Title of edited volume: Subtitle (edition, start page–end page). (Serie number). Publisher. DOI/URN/URL

  • If the volume is in a database purchased by SEAMK and the user must log in to access it, the permanent URN tai DOI link is given. If the publication has no permanent address, the name of the database is not mentioned. 
  • The DOI identifier  is given in the form . The URN is given in the .  If you cannot find the DOI, you can try to retrieve it using the Crossref service. If the source has no permanent address, the URL address (or the normal web address) is used. 
Sibiya, M. N. (2018). Effective communication in nursing. In N. Ulutasdemir (Ed.), Nursing. IntechOpen.


Valente, T. W. (2015). Social networks and health behavior. In K. Glanz, B. K. Rimer, & K. Viswanath (Eds.), Health behavior: Theory, research, and practice (5th ed., pp. 205222). Jossey-Bass. 


Rose, G., & Liang, A. (2021). Velomobiles and urban mobility: Opportunities and challenges. In A. Ewert, S. Schmid, M. Brost, H. Davies, & L. Vinckx (toim.), Small electric vehigles: An international view on light three- and four-wheelers (s. 29 – 41). Springer.   


Iivonen, E. (2020). Rights of the child. In U. Korpilahti, H. Kettunen, E. Nuotio, S. Jokela, V. M. Nummi, & P. Lillsunde (Eds.), Non-violent childhoods: Action plan for the prevention of violence against children 2020–2025 (pp. 92–119). (Publications of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health 2020:34). Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö.


Räikkönen, M., Poussa, L., Kunttu, S., & Kortelainen, H. (2015). Decision-making support: A smart city perspective. In M. Airaksinen, & M. Kokkala (Eds.), Smart city: Reseach highlights (pp. 38–39). (VTT Research Highligths). VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland.


Suhayda, R., & Dave, U. A. (2017). Designing questionnaires and data collection forms. In M. P. Murphy, B. A. Saffileno, & M. D. Foreman (Eds.), Research for advanced practice nurses: From evidence to practice (3rd ed., pp. 179–194). Springer.


In text-citation


Sibiya (2018) found...


Valente (2015, pp. 206–207) 


According to Rose and Liang (2021, p. 33) 


(Iivonen, 2020, p. 100)


Räikkönen et al. (2015, p. 31)


(Suhayda & Dave, 2017, p. 181)


Article in an edited printed volume

In the bibliography

Author’s surname, Initial(s) of first name(s). (Year of publication). Article title: Subtitle. In Editor’s Initial(s) of first name(s) surname (Ed(s).), Title of collection: Subtitle. (Edition, start page–end page).  (Serie number). Publisher. 

Krause, T. R., & Hidley, J. (2016). Accelerating patient safety improvement. In S. M. DeNisco, & A. M. Barker (Eds.), Advanced practice nursing: Essential knowledege for the profession. (3rd ed., pp. 313–322). Jones & Bartlett Learning. 


In text-citation

Krause and Hidley (2016, pp. 315–317) found


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