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Instructions for Written Work

Lectures and online courses

  • Search for the source used in the course material and refer to it.  
  • In exercises, you can exceptionally refer to the teacher’s course material. 
  • The date of publication is stated in the form of an exact date if mentioned in the source. If no exact date is mentioned in the source, give the year of publication. If no date of publication is mentioned, write (n.d.), i.e. “no date”, instead of one. The date of publication is given in parentheses.
  • Indicate the URL of the source in the bibliography only if the source is publicly available. 

In the bibliography

Author's last name, initial(s) or group name. (Date). Title of lecture, presentation or online course. [PowerPoint slides]. Platform. URL

Kannosto, E. (2022, January 24). The APA referencing style. [PowerPoint slides]. SEAMK Moodle. 


In text-citation

According to Kannosto (2022)
Accessibility Statement