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Instructions for Written Work


Theses must contain an abstract. Follow the instructions for abstracts in the thesis template. The template style used in abstracts is Abstract.

The top of the abstract lists the bibliographical data of the thesis: faculty (will be removed after 1 January 2022), degree programme (table 1 and 2), specialisation/line of study, author(s), title of thesis, supervisor, year, number of pages (excl. appendices), and number of appendices (Figure 1). If there are several authors, the names are written alphabetically by surname.

Abstract details.

Figure 2. Abstract page.

Table 1. Bachelor-level degree programmes.
Bachelor degree programme Specialization

Bachelor of Engineering, Agri-food Engineering

Bachelor of Engineering, Automation Engineering Machine Automation
Electric Automation
Bachelor of Business Administration, International Business
Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
Table 2. Master-level degree programmes.
Master degree programme
Master of Business Administration, International Business Management


If the thesis is written by students of more than one degree programme, mention the authors in alphabetical order based on their surnames. After the author’s name, the degree programme is mentioned in parentheses. The items Degree Programme and Specialisation are removed from the abstract. The supervisors are mentioned in the respective order as the thesis authors.  

If the thesis is written by students from more than one university of applied sciences, the SEAMK student’s name is mentioned first, and more than one author in alphabetical order. The items Degree Programme and Specialisation are removed from the abstract. After the author’s name, the degree programme and the university of applied sciences are mentioned in parentheses. The supervisor from SeAMK is mentioned first, and more than one supervisor in the respective order as the thesis authors.  

The abstract must provide the reader with a comprehensive understanding of the academic text. The abstract is not the same as the introduction or the conclusion, but rather an independent presentation of the issues central to the work. It contains an explanation of what was studied, the aims of the study, the methods used, and what conclusions were reached. The confidential information, sections, chapters or appendices are mentioned in the introduction of the public version of the thesis and in the abstract. Based on the abstract, the reader can decide whether or not to read the entire thesis.

The abstract should be written in complete sentences. Its length should be approx. 200 words, fitting on one page. The text may be divided into paragraphs to improve readability. Abstracts are normally written in the passive voice (e.g. “The data was collected using semi-structured interviews...”) or in the 1st or 3rd person. The past tense is the most suitable tense for abstracts, although the present tense may be used when presenting universal results or conclusions, as well as when referring to the different parts of the text (e.g. “The first chapter provides an overview of...”).

At the end of the abstract, there is a list of keywords descriptive of the content of the thesis. The keywords listed are separated by commas. Theses in languages other than Finnish may also include a summary in Finnish (5–10 pages), placed at the end of the thesis, before the bibliography. A Finnish summary may be useful if you wish to reach a wider Finnish-speaking audience.

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