If you wish to succeed in finding information, it's crucial to know the best sources and find good search terms.
Information seeking process includes several phases, which overlap each other depending on the topic and its degree of complexity.
1. Define your topic and keywords
- describe your topic in your own words and consider its many aspects - think, write, draw, tabulate, analyze your topic
- find out the central concepts and keywords related to the topic
- brainstorm your search terms by using
- find out how to truncate search words in different databases and which truncation characters you can use (e.g. child* -> child, children, children’s)
2. Select useful resources and databases
- start with SeAMK-Finna, check e-resources available to you
- learn how to use different search services and take advantage of their extra features
- combine search terms by the Boolean commands AND, OR and NOT. Remember to truncate search terms if needed. It’s also possible to limit searches for example by publication year or publication type.
3. Evaluate your search and results
- analyze your search results: quality, up-to-dateness, coverage and amount