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How to find information

Tips for seeking information.

Social media

Social media are computer-mediated technologies that allow the creating and sharing of information, ideas, career interests and other forms of expression via virtual communities and networks (Wikipedia). Facebook, Twitter and Flickr are good examples of social media services.

Social media can serve both as a tool for searching and producing information. When using social media for information seeking, one should especially pay attention to evaluation of the reliability of the information.

Information seeking through social media

Many social media platforms are considered to be entertaining, but they are also useful information sources. Information moves on networks and it is processed and adapted in networks. Networks are important sources of information and ideas specially for professionals and experts.

  • Facebook - people, events, organizations, discussion groups and forums
  • LinkedIn - experts, organizations, jobs
  • X (Twitter) - news, events, discussions, insights
  • SlideShare - presentations, infographs, documents, tutorials
  • Wikipedia is a well-known web service where information is created collaboratively. The level of the contributors usually varies on social platforms - Wikipedia includes both top and low quality articles. Therefore, it is best to examine articles critically.

Tools for keeping up to date and tracking new information

On Netvibes the user can create his own site and collect news feeds, links, social media posts and other news material. Netvibes helps the user to follow new information. Feedly is a similar web service.

Blogs are a good example of information which users produce to the internet by themselves. Usually blogs include comments and opinions concerning different topics.

RSS feed

RSS feed logo. with RSS feed you can receive timely updates from your favourite websites in real time

  • follow RSS feeds either through a desktop-based or web-based RSS reader or through a special web service 
  • RSS delivers content to the user as soon as the information is published. By using RSS you can save time!
  • when sharing materials one often uses Creative Commons licences which allow sharing with unlimited copyrights

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