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Student Counselling in SeAMK: Counselling and Guidance of Students

Counselling and Guidance of Degree Students

These instructions apply to the path students of the open UAS also.

PSP, a Personal Study Plan

Personal study plan (PSP) is a student’s plan on how to accomplish the studies. The basis for this is given by the study plan of the degree programme. The personal study plan will be approved by a person nominated by the degree programme.

With the help of the PSP it is possible to choose oneself important and interesting studies. However, this has to happen in compliance with the goals of the study plan. The possibilities to personalize the content of ones studies varies between different degree programmes. In certain degree programmes there is a lot of room for personal choices, whereas in others the freedom of choice is more restricted.

Guidance and counselling for making the personal study plan is given in the beginning of and during the studies by the study- and PSP counsellors.

Guidance at the Different Stages of the Studies

Before the Studies

Already before applying to the UAS a person wanting to become a student can contact the head of the degree programme or a study counsellor to get more information about the content and realization of the education. The questions concerning general eligibility and the application process will be answered by the Admission Services. Also the study counsellor will answer the questions concerning the entrance exam, if necessary.

After the student selection process, the heads of certain degree programmes (e.g. multiform learning) will contact the students already before the actual beginning of the studies. In special questions concerning the studies, such as previous studies at a UAS or a university, or some special organizations required for one’s studies, it is possible to contact the study counsellor already before starting the studies.

When accepting the study place the student enrols as a present or an absent student. It is possible to postpone the starting of one’s studies by enrolling as an absent student only on the basis of the criteria stated by the Law on the University of Applied Sciences. More information on this can be found through the link: and from the study counsellor of the degree programme in question.


In the Beginning of the Studies

In the beginning of the studies the goal is to inform the students and get them committed to their studies and the study practices at SeAMK. The students get familiar with the student services, the content and structure of the degree with the help of the study counsellor, the head of the degree programme and the tutor students. The tutor students and the pastor will help the students with grouping. At SeAMK, new daytime students start their studies by attending a common orientation day. The instructions directed to new students have been collected in the New Student at SeAMK –guidebook, which can be found at:

During the study modules connected to study counselling (e.g. Studying at a university of applied sciences 2 credit points and Career planning and internationality 2 credit points) a student gets regular guidance relating to studies and career counselling. More guidance will be given in personal discussions with the PSP-counsellor, study counsellor or the head of the degree programme. The goal is to improve the student’s personal professional development and to support and advance the proceeding of studies. Career counselling is a relevant part of study counselling throughout the studies.


During the Studies

Each student will make a personal study plan (PSP) in Peppi. Peppi is a system is which students can, among other things, plan their studies and follow their progress. During the studies students have personal discussions with the student counsellor, PSP counsellor and also the head of the degree programme. These conversations concern earlier studies, matters influencing the proceeding of one’s studies and career plans. The goal is to achieve as smooth proceeding of studies as possible.

During the studies, attention is also paid to further education possibilities and the students get more familiar with field specific matters.

If the studies do not proceed as planned a new PSP will be made together with the study counsellor so that it complies better with the changed situation. The services of the study counsellor and other staff members offering guidance are available throughout the studies both for groups and individuals.

Competence Acknowledging

Competence acknowledging (CA) means the official approval of the student’s competence. Students may have acquired competence prior to or during their studies and it may have been acquired anywhere. Before competence acknowledging the competence has to be recognised. Students are entitled to apply for competence acknowledging or credit transfer, if the competence in question is in compliance with the goals of the degree programme or those of an individual study module.

Instructions for competence acknowledging can be found at the address:

Employment-integrated Learning

Employment-integrated learning is an alternative way to develop ones competence in a planned and goal oriented manner. It means that the competence required for the degree is acquired by working so that the requirements of the study module are met.

Instructions for employment-integrated learning can be found at the address:

Paying Attention to Accessibility

Accessibility means that the studies are made possible for all students. Digital material has to be available for everybody.

One part of study counselling is paying attention to the accessibility of studies. This means that the learning of special students is made possible. Information on accessible learning environments and different kind of support forms is available on the pages of Intra.

In accessibility matters, study counsellors operate as the contact persons of their faculties. Students can contact the study counsellor in case they need some special organizations to be able to attend teaching or if they have, for example, a dyslexia certificate. It is also possible for the students to talk directly to the teacher of the study module in question.

If the teacher does not know how to proceed with the study organizations of a special student, it is possible to turn to the Professional Special Education Teachers Pia-Mari Riihilahti and Päivi Uitti for some help.

Accessibility Statement