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How to use artificial intelligence in information searching

This guide covers the use of AI to support information searching in higher education. It also presents topics related to the responsible use of AI. It will be updated as necessary.

What is a prompt and how do you create them?

A prompt is a written question that a user gives to a conversational AI tool. The prompt directs the AI to generate the answer the user desires.

Creating a promptSormi osoittaa digitaalisia ympyröitä.

Creating prompts is a new skill in information seeking that needs to be learned and is worth practising.

  1. Start with a simple question that describes what you want from the AI.
  2. Refine the question with additional information (for example, format or style).
  3. Provide the AI with background information about the situation or topic you want it to answer.
  4. Specify to whom the answer is addressed.
  5. You can also provide the AI with existing information sources that it can use to create an answer.

Don't settle for the first answer from an AI. You can improve the answer by refining and completing the prompts several times until you reach the desired result. The more information you give the AI, the better the result. The AI will remember the previous prompts and continue on the same topic until you start a new conversation. In long conversations, the AI may not remember the beginning.

Picture: Geralt. (n.d.). Pixabay.

CLEAR framework – five principles to make prompts more effective

The CLEAR principles have been developed to optimize the interaction with generative AI. It is based on five key principles or elements. They help you learn how to create prompts to get better answers. At the same time, you can strengthen your AI information literacy.

Five principles for creating more effective prompts

Adobe Firefly. (2024). Firefly Image 3. [AI image generator].

  1. ConciseHuman and a robot standing opposite to each other.
  • create concise and clear prompts
  • make sure the prompt is accurate and does not contain unnecessary information
  • create a prompt that provides you with the answer you want
  1. Logical
  • create structurally clear and consistent prompts
  •  ensure that the information provided in the prompt is presented in a logical order
  1. Explicit
  •  include instructions on the format, content and scope of the response in the prompt
  • include in the prompt precise details of the type of information you want
  1. Adaptive
  • be prepared to edit your prompt again if you are not satisfied with the answer
  • refine and complete the prompt if necessary
  • try new approaches to your question
  • try different words and phrasing
  1. Reflective
  • constantly learn to evaluate and improve your prompts
  • evaluate the AI's responses and think about how you can improve your interaction with the AI


Lo, L. S. (2023). The CLEAR path: A framework for enhancing information literacy through prompt engineering. The Journal of academic librarianship, 49(4), 102720.

Example of an conversation

You can use large language model-based applications to brainstorm keywords and then conduct an actual search in a database provided by the library. However, language models do not replace vocabularies.

Identifying keywords and combining them

Conversational AI tools search for words that appear in the same context as the research questions, topics or keyword examples you provide.

Define a possible role for the AI tool, introduce your topic and tell it what you need. Communicate with the AI and prompt the AI with new questions. Select the keywords you like best from the responses.

Me: I am studying to be a nurse in the university. I am writing my thesis and I need help identifying suitable keywords for information seeking. The subject of my thesis is loneliness among elderly people in nursing homes. Could you give me keywords which I could use when searching for information on library's databases. Could you give the keywords in basic form?


Copilot: Here are some keywords and phrases that you might find useful when searching for information on your thesis topic:
  1. Loneliness
  2. Elderly
  3. Nursing Homes
  4. Social Isolation
  5. Aging
  6. Mental Health
  7. Depression
  8. Elder Care
  9. Gerontology
Remember, you can also use combinations of these keywords to narrow down your search.

Me: How can I combine the keywords you gave me in basic form?


Copilot: Combining keywords effectively can help you refine your search and find more relevant information. Here are a few ways you can combine the keywords:
  • AND: Use this to narrow down your search. The database will only show results that include both keywords. For example, Loneliness AND Elderly.
  • OR: Use this to broaden your search. The database will show results that include either of the keywords. For example, Nursing Homes OR Assisted Living.
  • NOT: Use this to exclude certain keywords from your search. For example, Elderly NOT Depression.
You can also use parentheses to group keywords and use a combination of these operators. For example, (Loneliness OR Social Isolation) AND Elderly.
Remember to check if the database you're using supports these operators. Some databases might use different symbols or words for these operations. Good luck with your research!
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