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Instructions for Bachelor's Thesis

The thesis at Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences

The Degree Regulations of Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences include the following instructions related to the Bachelor’s/Master’s thesis and the Maturity Test:

Bachelor’s Degree

The extent of the Bachelor’s thesis is 15 credits. The topic of the Bachelor’s thesis is chosen by the student. The topic is accepted by the teacher or teachers supervising the Bachelor’s thesis, who are also responsible for the evaluation of the Bachelor’s thesis.

Master’s Degree

The extent of the Master’s Thesis is 30 credits. The topic of the Master’s thesis is chosen by the student. The topic is accepted by the principal lecturers or the principal lecturer and teacher supervising the Master’s thesis, who are also responsible for the assessment of the Master’s thesis.

Specialisation Training

The foundations and arrangement of specialisation training, including the proper Final Project and language proficiency requirements, are agreed on in mutual cooperation between the universities of applied sciences, in accordance with the Statute of the Council of State (Valtioneuvoston asetus
ammattikorkeakouluista annetun valtioneuvoston asetuksen muuttamisesta 1438/2014). On the same occasion, they will possibly agree on the joint principles for thesis work.


Studying at Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences and, consequently, the theses written at the institution are based on close interaction with working life. Through the thesis process, the student builds a developing and innovative, but at the same time analytic and explorative approach to questions in their own professional field. The thesis is an expression of the student’s personal interest in and orientation to their own professional field.   

At Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences, the aim is to have as many theses as possible implemented as projects, or in cooperation with or as a commission for a company or organization. A project-form thesis always requires a written agreement between the student, supervisor, and the commissioner (Thesis Agreement, Appendix 1).  

For a student, the thesis is a learning process. A good thesis encompasses the following features:

  • Practical usability
  • Research orientation
  • Close participation of representatives of working life in the process, e.g., as supervisors or evaluators
  • Connection between the supervisor and the representative of the employer
  • Application of theory serving practice
  • Creativity and innovativeness
  • Criticalness and analyticity

Consequently, a good thesis is the sum of several factors. The progress of a thesis from a plan to a finished output and report comprises several steps. The writer of the thesis has to make choices the final effects of which they do not know at the planning stage. The learning process also involves the ability to change, if needed, the choices made and to discuss them with the supervisor of the thesis.  

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