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Instructions for Bachelor's Thesis

General instructions

The thesis is presented at a seminar. Thesis supervisors provide information about field-particular practice of seminar work. The thesis is submitted for reading to the supervising teachers early enough before its presentation, in accordance with the practice of the student’s own field. The thesis can be submitted for review at all stages of the process, in a digital format to comply with the principle of sustainable development, but in such a way that the supervising teacher can easily mark it (e.g. as a Word document). If a supervisor wants the thesis as a paper version, they will print out the paper copies personally. After the supervisor has given permission, the work is submitted for language revision. The English abstract will also be revised. If the thesis has an appendix that will be distributed broadly, it will also be submitted for linguistic revision.

After the seminar, the student still has an opportunity to make corrections and revisions. The student is obliged to take into account the feedback with care and make the corrections and modifications they are still able to make at that point.

The thesis is submitted for assessment to the supervising teachers following the practice announced by the Faculty. The thesis is also checked with the Turnitin anti-plagiarism software. Ouriginal conducts a textual comparison and produces a report, based on which the teacher recognises the possible illegal quotation of sources. If the thesis has non-public parts, it is worth seriously considering the scope of the Turnitin Ouriginality review, as non-public parts may end up in the knowledge of outsiders. For the procedure of the Ouriginal check and the instruction for the student, visit SeAMK Intra.

The stages of the completion of the thesis

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