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How to use e-resources

Information about library's electronic resources and instructions how to use them.

Access to e-resources anywhere & anytime

You can read e-books, e-journals and articles and use dictionaries also on your smart phone, tablet or e-book reader.

Many e-resources have sites which are specifically optimized for mobile devices. The site will open automatically when entering the page.

There is an app or mobile optimized site available for e-resources presented below.

The degree students and the staff of Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences are allowed to use electronic resources at university's computer network and even outside the university network through remote access, for instance at home or on mobile devices. Use your SeAMK university username and password to log in.

It is advisable to explore the content and user rights of e-resources. Detailed information about user rights can be found on FinELib pages. Permitted and prohibited use are explained under each e-resource. First choose a resource by name. Information in English at the end of each page.

E-resources with an app or mobile optimized page

Ebscohost Journal Databases available for SeAMK degree students and staff:

Sites are optimized for mobile devices and they will open automatically. Click the links below and the mobile-friendly version of the site will display.

For reading electronic article, there is also a mobile app Ebsco Mobile available. You can download it from your app store.

Ebsco e-books

It is possible to read ebooks in epub format online without downloading them. If you want to read ebooks which are  in PDF format, you have to download them to your mobile device and read them on Adobe Digital Editions app. Download Adobe Digital Editions to your device from your app marketplace and authorize the app with your Adobe ID.

More instructions about downloading and reading ebooks can be found in Ebsco Help.

More information for using Ebsco e-books can be found on library's e-books guide.

There is an Ellibs app available for iOS and Android devices.

Download the app and log into the SeAMK Ellibs Library by using your SeAMK account.

You can browse the collection, borrow and request for e-books. To read the e-books, you'll only need the app, even offline.

Ellibs logo.More information on e-books guide.

My Knovel ToGo App

There is a free application available for iOS and Android tablets in app marketplaces. For the first time, create a My Knovel account on your PC. After installing the app, log in to the app with your credentials. After downloading, the articles are available for offline reading also. Downloaded books are available also on your PC through your My Knovel account.

Instructions: What is the Knovel ToGo Mobile App?

You need to be signed in to your personal ProQuest Ebook Central account to download an ebook. If you do not have an account, click Sign in and create one in "Join Ebook Central".

You can download and read e-books on your iOS and Android devices using the free Adobe Digital Editions App.
Download Adobe Digital Editions to your device from app marketplace and authorize the app with your Adobe ID.

More information on e-books guide.ProQuest Ebook Central logo.

There are applications available for iOS and Android devices in app marketplaces. logo.

  • Prime - PubMed Journals & Tools
  • PubMed on Tap (subject to a charge)
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