We recommend library's e-resources to all teachers at SeAMK. E-books, e-journals, articles and databases can be used for teaching purposes by linking them in learning management systems and electronic learning materials.
We advice linking e-resources via SeAMK-Finna. Below you can find instructions on that.
The way how linking is done varies from e-resource to e-resource. Avoid copying the URL directly from the address bar of the browser. Links can also change in time so one should favour so called permalinks. Students should also be able to access e-resources from their home computers and mobile devices, for example open an e-book or article wherever they are. Therefore, links must work via remote access as well. Don't forget to test the link!
E-resources are available for students and staff of the university through Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences computer network or through remote use. Log in with you SeAMK credentials.
According to licence agreements, it is permitted to provide links for example via Moodle to e-resources mentioned below.
SeAMK-Finna search service includes library's printed and electronic materials. You can make links to them on SeAMK-Finna. Via the link students can check the availability of the book/journal/article and get access straight to the e-book, e-journal or e-article.
You can also make links directly to the search result, for example to books on certain subject area. Alternatively, log in to SeAMK-Finna and create public favourite lists and share them with others.
Example: https://libts.seamk.fi/login?url=https://academic.eb.com/levels/collegiate/article/56008
Permitted and prohibited use. Information in English at the end of the page.
NB! Each link shall carry appropriate acknowledgement of the source, listing title and copyright owner.
RECOMMENDATION: Make the link via SeAMK-Finna. The link works via remote access, as well. Instructions above.
OPTION: Straight link to Ebsco
NB! This link can only be made inside the SeAMK computer network.
RECOMMENDATION: Make the link via SeAMK-Finna. The link works via remote access, as well. Instructions above.
Option: Straight link to Knovel
Permitted and prohibited use. Information in English at the end of the page.
NB! Each link shall carry appropriate acknowledgement of the source, listing title and copyright owner.
RECOMMENDATION: Make the link via SeAMK-Finna. The link works via remote access, as well. Instructions above.
OPTION: Straight link to Ebook Central
NB! This link can only be made inside the SeAMK computer network.
Permitted and prohibited use. Information in English at the end of the page.
Example: https://libts.seamk.fi/login?url=https://search-proquest-com.libts.seamk.fi/docview/1545982405?accountid=27298
Permitted and prohibited use. Information in English at the end of the page.
NB! Each link shall carry appropriate acknowledgement of the source, listing title and copyright owner.
Käytettävissä myös vapaasti verkossa osoitteessa http://www.greeninfoonline.com/
NB! It is not permitted to use Harvard Business Review for teaching purposes. You are allowed to use articles for personal use only. Therefore, teachers cannot use Harvard Business Review's articles in teaching and make links to them in learning management systems and electronic learning materials. In addition select articles in Harvard Business Review are read-only.
Permitted and prohibited use. Information in English under each resource at the end of the page.
Example: https://libts.seamk.fi/login?url=https://dx.doi.org/10.1108/00070700010362176
Permitted and prohibited use. Information in English at the end of the page.
NB! Each link shall carry appropriate acknowledgement of the source, listing title and copyright owner.
Example: https://libts.seamk.fi/login?url=https://doi.org/10.1177/0969733011398098
Permitted and prohibited use. Information in English at the end of the page.
NB! Each link shall carry appropriate acknowledgement of the source, listing title and copyright owner.
If you want to create a link to a particular database or e-resource, you can copy the link either from SeAMK-Finna or from E-library. Don't try to search it with Google - there is a fixed url address available for the users at SeAMK.
ask the information specialist
book a consultation with an information specialist (1 hour free consultation for SeAMK students and staff)
The user rights of e-resources are specified in licence agreements. Normally, you may only use e-resources for the purposes of education, teaching, research and private study. Any commercial use is strictly prohibited.
Detailed information about usage rights can be found on FinELib pages. Permitted and prohibited use are explained under each e-resource. First choose a resource by name. Information in English at the end of each page.