Skills demonstration in Fall: Saturday 26 September 2020
The aim of skills demonstrations is to demonstrate competencies described in the learning goals of a course.
The modalities of skills demonstrations include presentations, exams (use of the Exam Room) and a simulation task, or a combination of them. Also work done by the student can serve as a skills demonstration if the student writes a learning diary about their work. The diary may consist of text, pictures and videos, or a combination of them. On occasions, a skills demonstration may be made as group work, in which, however, the individual’s performance is assessed (experience-based learning and team learning).
The modality of the demonstration of the student’s competencies may have been defined in the decision on recognition or the student may be instructed to make a skills demonstration plan. (A template for skills demonstrations plan is under preparation). A skills demonstration may be preceded by a preliminary assignment, based on which a decision is made as to if the student can participate the skills demonstration (e.g. languages).
A student may participate only once in a skills demonstration related to a given topic, and a skills demonstration cannot be retaken. Unless the student passes the skills demonstration, they will attend the course. If the student cancels a skills demonstration for illness or another weighty reason, the student shall produce proof of it, and the matter will be solved on a case-by-case basis.
Become familiar with the contents of Finnish courses 1-4 here: Curricula 2023-2024 | Opinto-opas (
In case you are already able to use the language as described in the course descriptions you have the option to demonstrate your competencies and earn the credit points.
NB! You can take the demonstration of skills only ONCE. If you register for more than one course (e.g. Finnish 1 and Finnish 2 and Finnish 3) to demonstrate your skills and you fail in the Finnish 1 skills demonstration, you won't be able to demonstrate your skills in Finnish 2 and 3 because Finnish 1 is a prerequisite for Finnish 2 course. Therefore, think very carefully how many courses you register for and submit the pre-assingment.
The Moodle platform for the skills demonstration of Finnish competencies is available on Moodle platform (Moodle key: FI1-4).
The demonstration of competencies has three parts:
A) For the skills demonstration, submit your self-assessment to the Moodle platform by Sunday 2 Feb. 2025, at 11:55 PM at the latest. See the instructions for the self-assessment on the Moodle platform.
B) Enroll in the skills demonstration of September 2024 by filling out the electric form on Moodle by Sun 2 Feb. 2025, at 11:55 PM
A) Spoken exam on SAT 8 Feb. 2025, 10.00 AM - 3 PM in MSTeams. You will find the Teams link on the Moodle platform for the demonstration of Finnish competencies.
B) Written Moodle exam: 8 – 23 Feb. 2025 in the Exam room (electronic exam room in Kampustalo or FramiF). Please read carefully the instructions for the electronic exam. Not following the rules means that your exam will be rejected. Remember that you can demonstrate your skills only once.
Questions on the skills demonstration of Finnish competencies can be sent to the SeAMK Language Services
Become familiar the contents of English courses here: Curricula 2023-2024 | Opinto-opas (
In case you are already able to use the language as described in the curriculum you have the option to demonstrate your language skills and earn the credit points.
The Moodle platform for the skills demonstration of English competencies is available on Edit course: English skills demonstration | SeamkMoodle (Moodle key: ENot).
The demonstration of competencies has three parts:
A) For the skills demonstration in the Spring 2025, submit your self-assessment to the Moodle platform by Sunday 20 April 2025 at 23.55 at the latest. See the instructions for the self-assessment on the Moodle platform.
B) Enroll in the skills demonstration by filling out the electric form on Moodle by Sun 20 April 2025, 23:55
A) Spoken exam on SAT 26 April 2025, 9.00 AM - 12 AM in MSTeams. Your teacher will send you the Teams link.
B) Written Moodle exam: 26 April - 11 May 2025 in the Exam room (electronic exam rooms in Kampustalo or FramiF). Please read carefully the instructions for the electronic exam. Not following the rules means that your exam will be rejected. Remember that you can demonstrate your skills only once.
Questions on the skills demonstration of Finnish competencies can be sent to the SeAMK Language Services
First, check the syllabus for your chosen language.
If you already master the topics of the language, you can attend the skills demonstration to get the credits. Find out more about the requirements of skills demonstrations on Moodle platform (the Moodle platform is in Finnish and English); Moodle enrolment key Kielet
Register for the skills demonstration via the form on Moodle and submit the pre-assignment to Moodle by SUN 20 April 2025 klo 23.55.
Contact person for German, French and Spanish Heli Simon ( and Russian contact person Päivi Uitti (