The recognition of competencies is applied for before the teaching related to a course starts. If you are a transfer student, a path student of Open University of Applied Sciences, or have a significant number of competencies acquired before, you do not have to apply for recognition of competencies. Matters related to that are discussed when your personal curriculum is prepared.
Find out about the RC procedure and its timetable. When necessary, consult a student counsellor.
Examine your own curriculum.
Appraise you competencies in relation to the content and goals of the course and examine the assessment criteria of the course.
If you want to apply for recognition of your competencies, you can use Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) in Peppi. You can find instructions on the SeAMK Intra. Compile the documents in an electronic form and fill in the application. Describe your competencies in your application.
At the latest within a week, you will be sent a message to your SeAMK email stating whether your application will proceed to processing o not.
The decision about recognition of competencies will be sent to your SeAMK email within one month of submitting the application.
If the course is accepted in full, the assessment will be entered in the Study Register within one month of the decision.
If the course is accepted partly, you will receive instructions for providing the required study attainments or evidence together with the decision.
A student not satisfied with a decision on accreditation can make a written or oral appeal to the Head of Degree Programme who made the decision. The request for rectification shall be made within 14 days from the date on which the student has had the opportunity to learn of the decision. A student not satisfied with the decision following their request for rectification can make a written appeal to the Examination Board within 14 days from the date on which the student learned of the decision in writing. The decision of the Examination Board cannot be appealed against at the Administrative Court.
In some cases, recognition of competencies has effects on study grants. In the monitoring of the progress in studies, recognition of prior learning does not produce credits entitling the student to Student Financial Aid.
If the competencies are recognized based on evidence, e.g. by presenting a portfolio or making a skill presentation, this produces credits taken into account in the monitoring of the progress in studies.
Studies that cannot be accredited with prior learning
You do not need to apply for recognition of prior learning in the following situations:
Notice: If you have obtained an accreditation through the recognition of previously acquired knowledge, you can't longer complete the course by attending a course. An approved assessment cannot be increased and will not be removed from the student's Study Register.