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Library Guide of nursing

Why information seeking?

"The use of sources is a crucial part of assignments, projects and theses. Sources can include e.g. professional and research literature, articles from professional and academic journals, legislation, standards, theses, interviews, emails, diverse websites and even an organisation’s internal documents. Sources of information might be needed e.g. for defining concepts, creating a theoretical context, examining and comparing earlier research outcomes or for choosing a suitable research method." (Instructions for Written Work 2013, 15.)

  • Published information sources of your topic
  • Theoretical framework and the background of the thesis
  • Definitions of central concepts
  • Quality information: professional sources, scholarly sources, up-to-date information, international sources




Theseus gives you online access to theses and publications from Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences. 

Thesis writer

All instructions are found on SeAMK Intra 

  • Instructions for Written Work
  • Guidelines for Writing UAS Degree Thesis
  • Thesis Evaluation Criteria
  • Thesis Template

Thesis topic > Main concepts > Search words, Key words, Subject words = Terms you can use and combine in database searching

Keywords are natural language words describing your topic - a good way to start your search

Subject words are pre-defined controlled vocabulary words assigned to describe the content of each item in a database - e.g. Cinalh Subject Headings and MeSH (Medical Subject Headings / Medline)

Brainstorm your search terms by using:

The justification of the topic, theoretical background and framework, definitions of concepts, research results: 

Up-to-date information - expert organizations, authorities and associations

Authorative and fact information: 


If you don´t find...

  • Try different kind of search words, synonyms, broader or narrower terms etc.
  • check that you have correct search words and search technique
  • check that you have used suitable databases
  • ask from library and information specialists - personal counseling available
  • The realibility and objectivity of information - who is the producer or author of the information? Being up-to-date?
  • The usefulness of information - do the results correspond to your original information need?
  • The accessibility the information - does the acquisition and the adoption the material demand specific skills or resources?

All instructions are found on SeAMK Intra 

  • Instructions for Written Work
  • Guidelines for Writing UAS Degree Thesis
  • Thesis Evaluation Criteria
  • Thesis Template

Remember copyright

  • Begin saving when your thesis is finished and your supervisors have approved it. 
  • You can save your thesis only once on the database and you are not able to edit it after the saving - so it´s very important you save the final version of the thesis. 

Theseus Instructions

Upload the finished thesis on Theseus 


Personal consultation


  • Personal consultation, concerning assignments and guidance for your final thesis,as well as research workFemale student raising her hand. is available to students and staff of Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences.
  • One of our information specialists will help you find find the information you need for your thesis or research project.
  • Book a consultation!
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