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Keenious plus AI search tool

Keenious plus is an AI-powered tool for searching scholarly articles. In this guide you will find instructions on how to use it.

The benefits of Keenious plus

Keenious plus is a very versatile tool for mapping research. Unlike most common information retrieval methods, it is not based on inventing keywords, but on analysing the text you already know or the text you write yourself and based on this analysis by AI. Thus, Keenious is useful at least for the following purposes:

  • Finding articles similar to the source you are using
  • Finding ideas for an essay or article
  • Finding and learning new concepts related to your text
  • Finding sources related to your essay or article, or completing a bibliography
  • Identifying key research and researchers on a topic or in a discipline
  • Promoting interdisciplinarity in your research or thesis
  • As the links from search results lead to SeAMK-Finna web service, the journals purchased by the library are used effectively

Benefits for students

You can use Keenious in various stages of writing your thesis. The basic idea can be developed with search results from Keenious and as the writing process goes on, you can search more and more related texts.The artificial intelligence of Keenious can find material and topics you did not necessarily thought about yourself - new perspectives and approaches. 

Keenious also helps you to add the information of the articles  to your document quickly and easily.

Keenious can also be used to correct and complete systematic literature reviews. If the topic is new, Keenious can help to identify key trends and researchers in a particular field.

Benefits for researchers

Keenious is at its best when it comes to exploring new subject areas, interdisciplinary information retrieval and supporting academic writing.

Keenious is a more powerful research article search tool. It is not based on simple search terms, but on text analysis by artificial intelligence. The Word extension adds a seamless integration of Keenious into the research process - for example, when writing an article, you can pause for a moment to search for articles related to a particular point in the text.

Keenious can also promote interdisciplinarity – you can search what work has been done on a particular topic in other disciplines (with the possibility of using subject filters). The search results can be easily added to a document in progress or imported into reference management tool.

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