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International Business

Information sources for international business studies

Journal types

Journal types

Decorative.Journals and newspapers are good sources for timely information

  • Professional / trade journals
  • Research / Scholarly / Scientific / Academic journals
  • Popular journals and magazines
  • Newspapers



How to read a research article?

How to read research articles?

Research articles are valuable information sources for academic purposes.

  • Original research articles report the results of the original research.
  • Review articles summarize the results and conclusions from multiple original research articles.
  • Peer reviewed articles are closely examined by a panel of reviewers who are experts on the article's topic to ensure the article's quality.

Start reading a research article by skimming the following sections:

  • Abstract: tells briefly what was done and what was found.
  • Introduction: explains motivation and importance of research and provides background information by describing and explaining the prior research.
  • Methods: gives details on how the experiment was set up and carried out.
  • Results: provide the raw data. Figures and tables provide the data in a compact format for easy viewing.
  • Discussion: summarizes important results and gives reasons  for conclusions.
  • References / Bibliography: allows you find the sources used and evaluate whether those sources seem reliable and accurate.
  • Find out more about reading the research articles: How to read a research article (Tim Lockman, Kishwaukee College Library, Video 5:10)

Where to find articles?

Search electronic journals in BrowZine

Search e-journals

BrowZine is especially useful for finding library's international electronic journals, so use English search terms. You can search for Finnish e-journals subscribed to the library and open access Finnish journals by name.

Browse library's electronic journals in BrowZine's digital collection

BrowZine is a digital collection of international e-journals acquired for the students and staff at SeAMK. It also includes open access electronic journals.

The first time, you only need to select "Seinajoki University of Applied Sciences" as the library. When service asks for credentials, you can log in remotely with your SeAMK email and password to access licensed e-material.

You can browse e-journals by subject without logging in. The journals are divided into 12 subject areas, for example

  • Biological Sciences
  • Biomedical and Health Sciences
  • Business and Economics
  • Engineering and Technology
  • Social Science and Behavioral Science

You can also search e-journals by title, by subject or by ISSN number.

Both printed and electronic journals subscribed to the library can be found via SeAMK-Finna's Browse for list of journals search.

Direct access to the article with LibKey Nomad

LibKey Nomad's Article Link logo.When searching for international articles and e-books online, you can run into a paywall. With LibKey Nomad browser extension, you can quickly find out whether you can still access the resource as a member of SeAMK through library’s e-resources.

When you install the LibKey Nomad extension on your web browser, it will tell you if the resource you have found is available through the library and provide a link to the PDF version of the article  or a link to e-book. If the service asks you to log in, please log in remotely using your SeAMK credentials.

Download LibKey Nomad browser extension on Third Iron's web page

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